Re-Purposing Your Content for Effective Internet Marketing

Having to constantly come up with new and fresh content for your business website can be a tiresome thing to have to worry about. But in order to have a successful business, content must be new and fresh to ensure the most profits.

The way to create fresh material without having to rewrite all of your existing content is to simply re-purpose the content you already have. Re-purposing is taking content you are already using to sell one product and using it to sell another.

One example of re-purposing content is taking several articles or blog posts on a single topic and turning them into an e-book. You can then turn the e-book into an mP3 file and offer it as a downloadable audio file for people to purchase. You can either do this yourself or hire a professional to do it for you.

Another popular way of re-purposing your written content is to make a video presentation. People like to see the people behind their products and this is the perfect way to get recognition and develop a new clientele that may not have known anything about you. You could post this on a video site or offer the video for sale on your site either as a download or for purchase on a DVD.

Finally, you can bundle the whole group together: e-book, audio file and DVD and offer it at a special package rate. Promote the package by highlighting that no matter what a prospect’s learning style is, you’ve got it covered.

Repurposing gives you the opportunity to take one item and make it into many different products all with the same intention. People want different things. One might want to read about a product, another may want to see and hear about the product. This gives you the opportunity to reach out to all of those different people and generate more sales for your business.

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