Free Advertising Resources

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of advertising resources on the web today. Some you can write a post for and forget about until the calls start coming in and others you have to actively work at and promote yourself in order to see the return.

Some of the resources you could tap into are listed below.

Forums – These are usually free to post on if you are a member. They are great resources to meet people and connect with customers who are looking for products similar to yours. Some also allow limited advertisements in the signatures.

Craigslist – Craigslist has become a standard go-to for almost any individual looking for a product or service. It is also a free resource for people needing to advertise.

Social Networking Sites – From Facebook to Twitter and many in between, social networking is a growing phenomenon taking over the lines of communication. More people are connecting on social networking sites than almost any other way imaginable. Once connected, it is a free resource for people to advertise their products to other like-minded people.

YouTube – With such a wide variety of advertising options, YouTube is a serious player in the online advertising world. Adding almost any of these campaigns to your account will almost definitely improve performance, no matter what you’re advertising.

Email – This is a widely overlooked tool. Email is everywhere. We use it every day and yet almost no one thinks to advertise in the signature box on an email. If you have a new product or service, make sure you include a link to your website or blog. Think of how many people you send email to who don’t get a chance to look at your web page or blog. Well, now they can.

Advertising resources are everywhere. These are only a few suggestions. Any search on free advertising resources will provide numerous results, which are all decent options.

The best tip is to read reviews on them and ask people questions to see which ones have given them the most success with the fewest problems. Since they are free, try them out yourself. If they don’t work, you haven’t lost anything, just pack it up and go somewhere else.

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