Creating Win-Win Partnerships to Help You Build Business on the Internet

Whoever said “anything with two heads is a monster,” obviously didn’t know anything about partnerships. Getting a group of people together in a collaborative effort can be beneficial to all parties involved – as long as you remember why you came together in the first place.

A collaboration pulls the best talents of each person, throws them together in a blender, and pours out a delicious end product for all to enjoy. Here are some things that can be shared between two, or more, in a web-based setting.

Communities – Each person has the ability to introduce others to their friends; double the readers, double the fun.

Link love – Go ahead; it’s OK to show a little love. Trading links back and forth can open the passage ways between niches and help people realize their enjoyment for other types of tasks or products.

Guest posting – Share the workload, this will also aid in reducing burnout.

Brainstorming – Let the creative juices start flowing. When people start throwing ideas around the sky really is the limit. Questions start popping up like, “Why can’t we do this project?” or “What if we tried this instead?” The new doors that open might just be the next big thing to hit the market.

Motivation – When one is down, pick him up and keep on moving. Help each other fight of fatigue and the work-related blues by taking 5 minutes and putting together a goofy project or going out to get a bite to eat, just do something to break the monotony and anything is better than working alone.

Partnerships share the best traits of all people involved. Just think about it. You might be the best web designer out there but can’t compose SEO articles to save the Queen.

No worries, John can write SEO in his sleep but can’t design or shoot video. Pam has done some serious video editing for National Geographic in the last 6 months.

Pull everyone together to work on a project, share ideas, talents, and come up with a finished project to pass around to demonstrate pure brilliance. Not only do you get credit for your portion, you have people knocking down your door to get their latest project in your team’s lap.

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